Thursday, November 4, 2010

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How does the body under stress

The body reacts to stress preparation for action: the whole system has a violent physical activity, whether it be to move forward to accomplish something, whether it be to downgrade to avoid something, in other words, fight or flee. For both of these solutions occur more or less the same fundamental changes, can be compared graphically with those of a nation mobilizes for war.

The government, place in the mind receives and analyzes incoming signals and interprets the meaning. Upon receipt of information indicating the need for a mobilization alert give instructions to the centers located in lower hemisphere of the brain and brainstem because the general alarm is sounded. The pituitary gland, which is attached to the hypothalamus at the base of the brain releases a hormone-messenger alert (ACTH), which enters the bloodstream. This hormone is brought quickly to the adrenal glands located above the kidneys, which release two main hormones, adrenaline (or epinephrine) and noradrenaline (or norepinephrine), and substances cortisone.

hormones mobilize the reserves, transport direct from the rear to front-line areas, and direct communications and sighting systems that focus on the causes of stress. The heart speeds up their operation, pumping more rapidly the blood throughout the body, carrying his oxygen supply and fuel for the muscles, while blood vessels are compressed at the skin and stomach to divert more blood supply the muscles and brain. Increase the speed of breath and air ducts in the lungs dilate to bring more oxygen. The spleen is contracted in the blood by releasing larger amounts of red blood cells to carry oxygen.

The liver free reserves of sugar and fat and cholesterol in the blood are released from stocks located in the various body parts. That stress can increase the amount of sugar in the blood is well-known fact for over fifty years since the American physiologist Walter B. Canon looked like a match tiratissimo interscolastico did raise the amount of sugar in the blood in healthy young viewers to the point of overflowing nell'orma causing a temporary state of diabetes. Another indicator of stress is skin begins to sweat, ready to disperse the excess heat. The system 'repair' of the body is altered with an increase of fibrinogen and platelets that make the blood clot and stop bleeding and white blood cells, particularly lymphocytes, which help in the repair of body tissues. Some of these changes are really impressive.

The heartbeat can go from normal speed of about 70 beats per minute, 120, 130 and beyond: When a television reporter his pulse rate was an average of 150 per minute during a broadcast in the evening. The fact of driving a car, on streets with little traffic, because normally 160 heartbeats per minute, and novice skydivers have in some cases up to 200 beats per minute.

All these changes require a bit 'time. The pace of modern life is such that the cause of the crisis the screeching of brakes, a 'bang' supersonic or a harsh word is often outdated before the body has reacted completely. So we are left to breathe, his heart beating heavily and unable to intervene with corrective action. Maybe our distant ancestors might have to face a corresponding crisis, throwing the race or to chase a deer or to escape from a saber-toothed tiger, but it is likely that stressful social situations are not solved as many as often primitive man.

In societies More recently, the war could often provide an outlet for physical tension that has developed to deal with threatening situations. It seems then that the same basic physiological reactions underlie the way to react originated from completely different situations. The differences that actually are found in the stress reactions of varying intensity, especially concerning the amount of noradrenaline, which seems to be higher when situations allow you to take an initiative that is being angry when you go attack, or when you enjoy something. Runners motorists arriving at the highest levels of norepinephrine. This seems to be a remnant of our past: animals hunters produce high levels of noradrenaline, those expelled produce more adrenaline.

But there are circumstances in which there is no purpose to prepare for action, that there is nothing that the body can do and this gives rise to a reaction of 'freezing'. Many surveys have confirmed that prisoners of war, young men often and healthy, have reacted to the crowded prison and humiliation, simply turning to the wall to die.

In such a passive state of terror, the heart slows down instead of speeding and its an irregular heartbeat. This happened to a group of people whose responses were measured as they watched the film The Clockwork Orange: plowing the scenes of a sexual they were pleasantly awakened, but during the course of violence had a slow heartbeat, irregular outward sign of terror.

A well-known physical consequences of stress is a decrease in sexual drive, what of the rest expected to be involved when the basic functions. A man who is actually on the hunt or race can not afford to stop and enjoy the pleasures and the pleasures of sex, especially for the fact that making love is itself a task that requires lots of energy. According to some studies it would appear that social stress can even act as a form of birth control.

When the attention of a person is completely involved in an issue that is trying or to deal with a situation unfortunate attempt to escape from which it is obvious that his sexual activity also set up to zero. This factor may also explain why people generally found an improvement in their sexual ability when they are on holiday, away from the stresses imposed by work and busy life of cities. Under conditions of mild stress you may paradoxically occur in some individuals an increase in sexual activity as a result of the high level of excitement or rather general, being strongly urged to take action to achieve a goal nearing, extend this' desire to do 'also in the sexual sphere.


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