Friday, November 19, 2010

Lilli Carati Biografia

Antonella World

"I make the cake Zia Antonella World Patty?
But not the doll, I just want you ".

Thus begins my adventure in making a presentable cake with the printed wafer.
And yes for the miracles eh .. I am not yet equipped though it may commitment, a humanoid sculettante and sequins, as is Antonella World Patty, I could not shape it!

I covered with the purple marshmallow fondant, the sponge cake filled with whipped cream, which prepared my mother-in-law, to mess up many years before I started and I celebrated my grandmother's.
and decorated with a wreath in 3D, prepared a few days before.

After seeing the dog's sister I could not make a cake "simple" on Rosie!
I would have kicked. Heart Aunt ^ _ ^


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