's Handbook (business strategies, marketing and sales) Manual of the Perfect eBayer:
Hello, these are proposed that there are some tips to buy safely on eBay and can sell with high gain.
As you already know, the main stages of the world is eBay buying and selling goods, but the site itself and the world market, have infinite possibilities.
Now I leave room for the actual manual, I'm sure it will be very useful to an experienced ebayer.
eBayTM ==== Why? ====
online auctions are the easiest way to gain the world ...
1) Potential customers to your door - on eBayTM, your customers are already there waiting for you and if you offer something that interests them is they come to you! No need to look for people who will buy your items, because eBayTM has already done all the work for you, continuing to attract millions of visitors each month.
2) No upfront cost - you tell me what other business did not start-up costs? All you have to do to work with eBayTM is register for free and you are the proud owner of an online job!
3) No financial risk - the risk that you open yourself up to be equal to 2.50 Euro: this is the maximum charge for a listing on eBayTM, and that's all risk if your item does not sell.
4) You can start in five minutes - you just fill out the online form on eBayTM and you're in business!
5) All you need is an Internet connection
6) Sell 24 hours a day, 7 days 7 - The Internet is the only place on earth where you can sell and it appears at any time of day and night. There are many people who shop on eBayTM, while the rest of the world is sleeping.
7) You can sell all over the world - You can show your items to more people in a single day thanks to eBayTM, how many can not reach by himself in a whole year.
can live as you please - with a job online you can live where you like and like. With laptops do not even need to be at home to earn. You can track your auction at any time, from anywhere in the world that provides Internet access.
9) You can make money without even leaving home - This will greatly improve your lifestyle and you allow you to better manage your time. Perhaps you are forced into the house because you're disabled or need to care for a sick person. It does not matter. You can earn eBayTM without any limitation.
10) You can choose your pace of work - Since eBayTM will take care of your auctions to finish without your intervention, you can continue with your current job and dedicate your work online a few hours a day.
Although it is very simple and intuitive to make an offer on a well that want to buy, to be able to carefully evaluate the acquisition in all its parts is necessary to compare and verify certain parameters. So: click on "Watch this item" on the subject of which you are interested and make no initial offer.
Make a check of the seller's feedback with in-depth research of the objects actually sold (many sellers are selling fake to get "fake" feedback)
Once they had found the actual security of the seller, you can contact him personally to make (possibly) a direct offer. But even deeper into the concept.
==== ==== How to make a direct offer
To ensure that the offer is too low, you should open a new window of Internet Explorer (or Firefox), do a search Advanced and then enter the name of the object you are looking to buy, making the case to enable the flag "search listings".
In this way you can have an overview of the market value of the object you want to buy in order to adjust and 'direct offer. It is recommended to specify that in case acceptance, the seller does not need to pay 5% of the proceeds to eBay because the final "sale outside of eBay."
[I recommend this type of solution (ie, "with an offer,") only experienced salespeople and shipping, as is a shopping street that leads, not deny it, some risk due to the facilitation of fraud by the seller. It 'still possible to shop safely (following the procedure eBay) managed to find some great bargains.
We'll talk about this in the next paragraph and further in the continuation of 'e-book.]
==== In If the offer is directed not to succeed ====
Open two Internet Explorer windows (or Firefox) with a description (which should be updated with the F5 button every 15 seconds ) and the other with a bid equal to the maximum amount that you want to spend and to be confirmed with the usual button.
At this point, about 20-30 seconds from the end of the auction, click on the confirmation and ensure that the object will be sold.
==== ==== In case of item awarded
Once you have paid the item, it is always a good idea to keep all e-mails related to the transaction, specifying the date and time of payment, the amount, the package tracking number (recommended, J1 and J3 are traceable from the site of the Italian Post Office) address for shipping and the buyer's mobile phone number (preferably to be written on the packing as they are sometimes lost), the item number and finally the name item purchased.
With this you just want to specify which statistical research of the Italian, the letters with "Priority Mail" are the most lost (or stolen) than any other.
To be able to sell their item in the best way, it is advisable (though certainly not required) to stick to some things that, when used in the best way, increasing your earnings.
First you should download the software provided by eBay (Turbo Lister) that allows better management of your sales.
The download can be found at: http://pages.ebay.it/turbo_lister/
Once you have downloaded this application, you can create your own listing template, where you can put anything that can make people understand your seriousness.
Here are some points to be developed to ensure that your templates do understand your seriousness to the buyer:
An appropriate background with several tables for specific license, any good?
description, detail the terms of payment and delivery of various types (pictures to help understand the types of payments do you accept and the types of shipments made), may facilitate the reading of the auction and convey professionalism and seriousness to the buyer.
A link (if any) for your personal page that displays an order deglioggetti you sell. E 'can create personal page through this link: http://cgi3.ebay.it/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?AboutMeLogin
A table is shown where our eBay Store where you run. It is however important to have a shop (even if it is recommended for those with high volumes of sales, also considered the discounts to holders of eBay online stores for both the listing fees for those sales) because However, we can simulate it this way:
1. Multiplication table a copy of a store of another user
2. Enter your information
3. Linked the book icon with the page that comes visiting: Items for Sale by your user -> Gallery. Place your ad in a logo that reflects your store owner or your company. Even a nick serious and could lead to respectable buyer confidence in you. (If you have a simple nick can always be changed by settings eBay).
Remember to always the importance of customer satisfaction for you and your level of feedback (preferably 100% positive).
Once you've created your template, you can create your listings on items you sell.
is recommended in case of sale, through Google Images to copy some photos of the items are identical to what you are selling, so you can make in the mind of the buyer more precisely the physical object.
==== hours in which it would be more appropriate to open ads ====
The hours in which it is advisable to open listings (times of departure of a listing can also be pre-set on eBay with a small surcharge on the cost of public notice) are:
Weekdays: 14:00 - 18:30 - 21:00
On holidays: 12:00 to 21:00
==== ==== Market Research
First, it is advisable to do market research for prices of ' object you want to sell. So you do an advanced search with eBay by entering the name of the object, remember to check the flag "Search in the listings. " This will help to have an overview of what is the maximum price (approx) which you can sell the item.
==== ==== Buy It Now Ad Insertion
Initially, you should sell quickly groped for the object by setting the selling price at will (clearly in line with research done above), through an auction "Buy Now". In some cases, however (to be assessed once again after having gained experience over time) is more advantageous the format "online auction".
In some cases, upon the expiration of the auction, is created among the possible buyers interested in our subject a particular phenomenon, we might call "the struggle of raises." Through this phenomenon, the final sales price widen to the object in a sometimes disproportionate to the actual real value of it.
Few people try to buy the right item through the search by categories, preferring instead to enter directly into the search engine the name of the desired object. For this reason we will not have miscategorized worry that the sale of our influence on the visibility of the object.
==== How to overcome the final value fee ====
After a sale, after having verified that they have sent and received feedback, we kindly ask the purchaser if it is possible send a transaction request "not completed" in order not to be forced to pay the final value fee.
To do this, you must open a dispute for an unpaid item, enter into space ID of the transaction in question and declare it "not finished", selecting a pattern like that was not completed.
At this point, if the buyer accepts the request, you will be reimbursed for the remaining 5% that has been removed. If the buyer does not accept, you will not get a refund, however this will not lead to any problem for your "criminal record".
Inserting an Ad Auction ==== ==== Online
If your item was not sold via the "Buy Now" you can do in two ways [the duration of the auction is more preferably 7 days, the auction ends during the hours specified above]:
1. In the event that you are a patient type of seller, you can open an online auction at a price slightly lower than previously entered, hoping for the rise and trying to exploit the phenomenon that we have previously defined "relaunch struggle."
2. Create a new auction with starting price of 1 euro and wait for the end of the auction. In this case it will most likely be able to exploit the phenomenon "raises struggle" because in all likelihood the auction will attract many interested buyers, or more likely eBayer looking for opportunities. However, we can not be exempt from having to sell the item below cost at the end of the auction (a risky method, therefore, be used for objects of which we are willing to deprive himself without regret or which has not been spending a large figure for the purchase, a method that can still be very effective).
==== ==== Cancel bid
E 'can cancel a bid via the link: http://offer.ebay.it/ws/eBayISAPI.dll ? RetractBidShow.
The number of deals undone consecutively before receiving sanctions from the site (ranging from block sales and purchases from our account at the temporary or permanent suspension of the account itself) has a number of application variables, including the main is "at the discretion of the sole opinion of the eBay staff.
However, after approximately the third consecutive cancellation of a bid, we are already risking their first sanction. Therefore recommend to reflect carefully and use at the time of confirmation of the offer.
(and their earning potential)
My advice is, after much practice with eBay.it in sales and has gained the right experience, to try to international eBay sites.
'll be able to soon realize that you will not have too many problems finding items at lower cost than in the UK. (For example, you can find a phone that is the most popular in Italy, at half price, because the country of which you are passing through the eBay, the same cell is considered outdated or unfashionable). We
For example: when you go to www.ebay.co.uk and search for a Nokia N73 phone (example) to buy, you'll find thousands of listings that include the model in question, accessories and other things that relate to the phone. Without closing your browser, try to go to www.ebay.com.au a Nokia N73 and search again. Have you noticed that the number of objects is significantly different in the two sites, eBay? This means that there is a marked difference in supply due to demand for this product in the various eBay sites. Once you understand this point, the market law of supply and demand will do the job for you. You buy the desired object where the number of items relating to that object is larger (hence the price will be "slightly" to "significantly" lower) and sell it in the country estimate that the sale price is better for your pockets.
You will need the extensive research on eBay before buying any item. Log into your eBay account, go to "advanced search" and use "Completed listings only" (a technique described above). You will have in search results the price of each item that has already been sold with "Buy Now "or" Auction "and find the price differences in the various eBay sites. You will have to buy only items that can easily be dispatched with a package and possibly not too large (which is insurable). Always do your research on all eBay sites with common sense.
Remember to always do so on the feedback and evaluations using the price tag and the flag of the advanced search explained at the beginning of the chapter on sales.
You then can do business with foreign countries but you will certainly ; pay more attention in the transactions and maybe chew a bit 'of English.
The mechanism may seem difficult for those who approach to eBay for the first time, however, after learning all the techniques necessary good, some of you (the best, natural talent and those who follow the advice carefully and dedication ) you can build a true form of additional monthly income with this type of activity.
E 'can get in other eBay with your nick and password with which you log on the Italian site.
A short list of some of eBay worldwide: USA
: http://www.eBay.com
Canada: http://www.eBay.ca
England http://www.eBay.co.uk
Germany: http://www.eBay.de
France http://www.eBay.fr
Australia: http://www . eBay.com.au
Belgium http://www.eBay.be
Netherlands: http://www.eBay.nl
Austria: http://www.eBay.at
Czech Republic: http://www.eBay.ch
Spain http://www.eBay.es
Ireland: http://www.eBay.ie
Getting from 50 FEEDBACK to 100 in just over a week is not as difficult as it may seem ...
Each transaction that occurs on eBay, the buyer and seller are required to exchange feedback, as evidence of the completion of the transaction by both parties.
Every eBay user has a profile in the feedback area, which contains essential information about the user, as well as a list of feedback delivered by the previous trading partners on trades made. The reputation of a person in the community depends on the comments left by other users in relation to commercial links with him.
At the end of a transaction, only the buyer and the seller may issue an opinion Mutual leaving a feedback, which is an evaluation of positive, negative or neutral and a brief explanatory statement.
A comment on an honest eBay member helps the community to know how does that user during the transactions.
Once released, the feedback becomes part of the user profile.
A high feedback score definitely helps to increase sales volume, and the final cost of your items in the auction is likely to become the highest possible.
For the new users, the first thing (recommended) to do is to create a personal account as a seller and to do that, my personal suggestion is to verify your personal data from eBay now registering a credit card that can also be prepaid (ie transfer).
Once this is done you need to register to paypal, as it is expensive for sellers, but is free for buyers.
I highly recommend signing up for paypal, and as' the most used method in on-line transactions and especially on eBay.
The first step in contributing to the pursuit of your goal, we can say that will be a small investment, or allocate a small amount (between 10 and 15 €) to buy items at low cost, for which there is no shipping costs.
After paying the money to your card postepay, you should do the search for objects.
objects that apply to your guides are like this or at least virtual objects for which there is no cost for shipping.
To find them just set the search parameters on eBay, or simply to search the surface as "free shipping" for all the world "Free shipping" for Italy.
In any case, it is essential that items costing no more than € 1.50. And it is preferable that auctions with Buy It Now and for which there is paypal as a payment method to save time.
There are several listings with the Buy It now at 0.01, and for which 'immediate paypal payment required, which are great for increasing the feedback score, do not have additional shipping costs and often contain much information Useful to start your business on eBay.
Scoring Feedback not only depends on how many items you bought because even if you bought 10 items from a seller because the score is 1 is the number of users with whom you had to do that determines your score, so you buy a once for each vendor, so try to buy items from different sellers.
Once a feedback score of 10, which is scheduled for the yellow star, you can start selling the guides that you bought and if you followed my advice and have bought guides (in English) within 7 days surely succeed to get a feedback score of 50 and even 100 if you're good.
(Some information)
With PayPal everyone can make and receive payments through credit cards or checks, you only need an email address. Click on this link to be transferred to the PayPal site, the site of reference for the hosting of money for buying and selling used and accepted by most eBay users.
Registration is simple and intuitive, the site is very well done, seriously, certificate, and also recommended by eBay itself: you can subscribe and activate the paypal account without any problems. You will also be facilitated in any resolution of disputes because paypal eBay offers insurance on purchases up to 1000 € and works best with eBay-user customer satisfaction.
E 'can "connect" to your account any credit card from which to draw for the payments. The credit card I recommend is certainly postepay, the balance is always verifiable http://www.posteitaliane.it site or any other prepaid. (Insert a credit card-prepaid is not recommended, it is always good to pay close attention to the Internet and the possibility of infiltration by other users. The Internet is truly a treasure trove of information and gain, but also fraud and deception).
For technical information not waste any time, the same staff on the main page of paypal and particularly in the "Help" section of the site (https: / / www.paypal.com / uk / cgi-bin / helpweb? cmd = _help) has produced a guide very explanatory and easy to use.
I would rather dwell on something perhaps more "obscure", which is probably not all are aware and which may be helpful to an eBayer who make regular use of paypal: account lockout.
It 's possible that blocks your paypal account without prior notice. However, there are tricks to properly use paypal for internet marketing to avoid being turned off for violation of the TOS (Terms of Services - Terms and Conditions), or for violation of the AUP (Acceptable Use Policy - Rules that govern ' use of a service).
Many marketers in fact, behaving in a passive-reactive and non-productive (in essence using paypal only for purchases) might find themselves with their paypal account and the money blocked off and unused for a minimum of 180 days.
Before trying to explain the issue concerning the decommissioning of the paypal account, I would like to point out that I am not a lawyer, that this report is based solely on my personal impressions, interpretations and opinions. So any questions please contact paypal or talk to a lawyer, be sure to read the TOS paypal via this link: https: / / www.paypal.com/it/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=p/gen / ua / ua-outside
You affiliation of any kind and use PayPal to make payments or to receive them, make sure that your reference site is in accordance with the rules of the TOS and AUP of paypal, or you risk that staff may get suspicious and go locked out. They are also strictly prohibited from paypal affiliations with two or more levels of committee.
Paypal does not allow the use of so-called Split-Commission (the Italian version - Breakdown of Compensation) a method whereby, in case of sale of a product from one of your affiliate, the amount of the sale is immediately "split" and divided between seller and affiliate.
Using this method will result in a short time to close your PayPal account.
E 'possible (but absolutely condemned legally) that blocks your paypal account, including money, if the transactions are very costly and constant over time (such as 100 € a day). If this happens, immediately contact a consumer protection association or a lawyer, having sought an explanation from paypal itself. Last
trick that I can provide: the staff will certainly be more paypal suspicious (and could therefore think of the termination of your account) if you will to sell a product that says "I'll show you how to earn € XXX, comfortably seated in an armchair or at the beach" rather than a product whose name is "I'll show you how I managed to earn
€ XXX, and a little 'time, how do you even take a few hours a day on a job very hard."
The fundamental problem still remains: staff paypal it does not adopt specific rules for closing the account, but is a strong advocate of rule "at our discretion," therefore, although this information can help, certainly not completely guarantee the security of the closure of the account by the staff of paypal. Therefore, trust the site and its effective cooperation with eBay, but the bare minimum KEEP ON PAYPAL ACCOUNT!
Finally insert, links to two sites where you can find some of the techniques used by top eBayer described in a clear and informative, as well as some video-very advanced courses Helpful sniping (A technique used by most eBayer good for comparing items for sale and bid on several items at once), how to create an eBay store, on becoming a PowerSeller, about trading and how to be able to make advantageous purchases able, if desired, to sell, creating a net gain.
Do not underestimate the completeness and usefulness of the links below.
A site where you can watch an interactive video training courses:
The site of the virtual academy online sellers (where other video courses are available):
I really hope my writing this (in this case I would call more " utilities that blog article) has indeed been or will be, to all of you who have had the perseverance to read to the end, very helpful.
Emiliano Tarquini