Wednesday, May 19, 2004
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Special single natural
deduction of certain expenses incurred in the interests of dependents and in some cases not dependent.
The law provides that a taxpayer may deduct a percentage (19%) for certain expenses (medical expenses, insurance premiums and expenses for attending courses of secondary education and university) incurred in the interest of tax-dependent person.
The deduction of 19 percent is also responsible for medical expenses incurred in the interests of family members are dependents suffering from entitlement to the exemption from participation in public health spending, the portion of the deduction for which there is no capacity in ' tax caused by them.
The deduction for contributions and premiums paid to supplementary pension funds and individuals, and additional funds of the National Health Service is also responsible for charges incurred in the interest of tax-dependent person. The law allows the deduction of medical expenses and specific assistance for the handicapped, even if incurred for family tax not paid.
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Special Income single natural
employees and treated under RC
In this framework should be entered all the data on the income of employees and those similar to these.
Most of these data are CUD in 2004 (Certifying Employees) held by the majority of taxpayers or, CUD in 2003, in possession of certain employees whose employment is terminated during 2003 (before approval of the CUD, 2004).
This framework consists of four sections: Section I
: reserved the income for employees and for which there are similar, in addition to the deduction base, even more deductions from income and / or tax deductions;
Section II : to be treated as income to those employees for which no further deductions from income and tax deductions;
Section III: to be deemed income tax and additional regional and municipal IRPEF withheld by the employer;
Section IV: to be considered personal income tax and regional additionality IRPEF deductions for compensation paid to certain subjects socially useful jobs.
Monday, May 17, 2004
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Unique Individuals who are dependents
A 'family dependent' means any member of your family for which you are entitled to tax deductions.
From tax point of view are considered dependents of all members of the family who in 2003 owned a total income not exceeding € 2840.51, gross of deductible expenses.
can be considered dependents:
the spouse not legally and actually separated;
children (including children who are not recognized, adoption, custody or affiliates) regardless of the age limits are exceeded and whether or not they are addicted to studies or training free of charge even if they have served the military service in 2003.
These families may not live with the family and may be located abroad.
also following other family members can be considered dependents:
spouse legally and actually separated;
the descendants of the children;
parents (including parents and natural adopted);
genera and daughters;
in-law and mother-in-law;
brothers and sisters (even unilateral);
the grandfathers and grandmothers (including natural ones).
Family members of this second group may be charged only if the following conditions: they must live with the taxpayer, or should receive, again by the taxpayer in question, alimony not resulting from actions of the Judiciary. In
income limit of € 2840.51 gross of deductible expenses, the family must not exceed a year to be considered tax paid must be included:
the salaries paid by Public Bodies International, by diplomatic and consular missions from, the Holy See, by entities managed by it and the central agencies of the Catholic Church;
the free amount of income from paid employment in the border areas and in other neighboring countries as a continuous and sole object of their employment by residents in the State.
Friday, May 14, 2004
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Special single natural
All documentation relating to income, deductions, charges, expenses, etc.., Set out in this declaration must be kept by the taxpayer until 31 December 2008 deadline within which the Agency Revenue may request. If the taxpayer, following the request of the Agency is unable to produce appropriate documentation relating to the deduction, deductions, the deductions, tax credits or payments specified, apply an administrative penalty.
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Special single natural
How to declare income replacement income
income replacement income and interest for late payment and payment terms must be declared using the same frameworks in which to be declared as income or loans to replace which they relate.
The income earned in lieu of income, including as a result of
sale of their credits, benefits achieved, even in the form of insurance, by way of compensation for damage resulting from loss of income, excluding employees from permanent disability or death, default interest and interest on deferred payment, that income the same class as those being replaced or lost or those from which the loans on which interest accrues. Under these assumptions to be used the same pictures of the model statement in which they would be declared as income replacement or those to which the claims relate.
Among others fall in this category: layoffs, unemployment compensation
, mobility, the maternity allowance, the amounts arising from transactions of any kind food allocation paid on a provisional employees for which the proceedings pending before the courts.
allowances payable as compensation for damages in substantial loss of income in respect
more years should be declared under RM, sec. II.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
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Special single natural
income of the taxpayer died
For Deaths declaration must be filed by the heirs. On the title page of the Model you have to write the tax code and other personal data of the taxpayer died.
The heir must fill in the box on the second page of the Model and sign the declaration.
For people who have died in 2003 or before the end of March 2004, the declaration must be filed by the heirs in the normal time limits (May 3 (since 1 and 2 May a public holiday) - August 2, 2004 (because July 31 is Saturday and the next day is a holiday)).
For people who have died subsequently, the terms are extended by six months and then expire December 20, 2004 for the payments and January 31, 2005 for submission of the declaration.
is useful to know that if in 2003 the deceased had made the Model 730 which showed a credit not subsequently reimbursed by the withholding agent, the heir may assert that claim in the statement made on behalf of the deceased.
Monday, May 10, 2004
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Special single natural
foreign income residents in Italy must submit the returns for foreign income, subject to any other provisions contained in the Double Taxation Treaty with the Member esters.
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Unique Individuals Who is obliged to show of unity?
E 'forced the submission of tax return who earned income in the year 2003 and does not fall into one of the conditions of exemption provided.
In particular, and 'forced:
• who is registered for VAT even if they do not have any earned income;
• employees who have changed employer and have received more certifications employment or similar ( CUD 2004 and / or CUD 2003), where the relevant tax to the total income is more than € 10.33, the total deductions due for employee and dependents and withholdings;
• workers INPS employees who directly or by other bodies have received allowances and sums by way of wage or otherwise, if there were no wrong deductions or if the conditions for exemption provided for in the preceding paragraphs;
• employees who have to repay tax deductions from withholding recognized but not paid in full or in part (even if they have one CUD CUD 2004 or 2003);
• employees who receive salaries and / or income to individuals not legally obliged to make withholding taxes (such as family helpers, drivers and other employees of the house)
• who earned income on which the tax applies separately (excluding those that should not be given in the declaration - such as severance pay and equivalent, the fees in arrears, the compensation for the termination of the relationship of coordinated and continuous, even if perceived as heirs - they are paid by persons who are required to perform the withholding taxes);
• employees and / or income earners in these similar if not have been detained or have not been held due to the extent the additional municipal and regional IRPEF.
In this case, the requirement applies only if the amount payable for each additional exceed € 10.33;
• who has earned income and capital gains to be subject to substitute tax.
It 's always possible to present the declaration, even if not obliged, to enforce any costs incurred or reductions have not been allocated, or to request a refund of excess tax arising on the declaration made in 2003 or advances made in the same year.
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Who can single natural 'does not submit a tax return mod. Only for 2003?
not be obliged to submit tax returns only those who owned:
• income of any kind, except for those for whom it is obligatory bookkeeping, for an amount total not exceeding € 3,000.00. In determining this amount is not necessary to consider the income from the main and related appurtenances;
• employment income or pension paid from a single withholding agent obliged to make any withholding taxes, income
• employees paid by different parties, if you asked the last employer to take account of the income paid during the previous reports and consequently he has made the cash payment;
• income from employment and income to be treated even if these paid by different parties for a total not exceeding € 7500.00, if the work period is equal to the entire year and were not considered to be made, and any income arising from the main buildings and related works;
• income from employment (paid by most subjects, but the last withholding certificates that made the adjustment) and income of the buildings, arising solely from the possession of the main building and its possible relevance (garage, cellar, etc.).
• retirement income for a total amount not exceeding € 7,000.00 and, possibly, income from land for an amount not exceeding € 185.92 and the unit property used as main house and its appliances; •
income buildings, arising solely from the possession of the main building and its possible relevance (garage, cellar, etc.).
• exempt income (eg. Inail annuities paid exclusively for permanent disability or death, certain grants, war pensions, pensions paid to preferred ordinary conscripts, pensions, allowances, including attendance allowance and benefits provided by the Ministry of the Interior for the civilian blind, deaf and dumb and for disabled civilians, subsidies to the hanseniani, social pensions, etc.).
• income subject to withholding tax as tax (eg. Income from amateur sports activities for an amount up to € 28,158.28, interest on bank accounts or post office);
• taxable income replacement (eg. interest on BOT or on other government securities).
If you are not obliged to keep records, you are in any case exempt from reporting if in relation to total income, before the deduction of the primary residence and associated outbuildings and the deduction provided for in Article. 10-bis of the Income Tax Code, there is gross tax, after application of deductions for income from employment and family responsibilities and deductions shall not exceed € 10.33.
Friday, May 7, 2004
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SPECIAL 730/2004
What are the tax-exempt income and annuities that are not earned?
the purposes of the exemption shall be treated as privileged pensions paid to ordinary conscripts (Judgement No. 387, 4 to 11 July 1989 of the Constitutional Court) to: tabular
• pensions payable in respect of disability sustained during military service rendered as a cadet and / or reserve officer as well as non-commissioned officers (sergeants promoted military service in the terminal phase of the service); tabular
• pensions paid to auxiliary Carabinieri (military leverage at the Carabinieri) and those who perform military service in the State Police, the Guardia di Finanza in the body, the body of the fire brigade and military volunteers so far as the disability which gave rise to a pension has been and depending on the contracted during military service or period corresponding to the compulsory military service.
are also exempt:
• the increase of social pension benefits provided for in Article 1 of Law December 29, 1988, No 544;
• a mobility allowance under Article. 7, paragraph 5, of L. July 23, 1991, No 223, for the reinvested part of the establishment of cooperative societies;
• maternity allowance provided by L. No 448 of 1998 for the woman worker;
• pensions paid to Italian citizens have become disabled and relatives of Italian citizens died as a result of explosion of weapons and explosive devices left unattended or abandoned by the Armed Forces in time of peace at exercises combined or isolated;
• pensions paid to Italian citizens, foreigners and stateless persons become disabled in the discharge of their duty or because of acts of terrorism or organized crime and the special treatment of survivors paid to survivors of the duty, of terrorism or crime organized
• checks for cooperation in research activities conferred by universities, observatories, astrophysical and Vesuvius by public authorities and research institutions in art. 8 DPCM 30 December 1993, n. 593, as amended and supplemented, ENEA and ASI.
As for scholarships, are exempt: •
scholarships paid by ordinary statute regions, according to L. December 2, 1991, No 390, university students and those paid by the special regions and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano in the same way;
• scholarships awarded by universities and institutes of higher education, according to L. November 30, 1989, No 398, for the attendance of courses and schools of specialization for the PhD research, post-doctoral research and for training courses abroad;
• scholarships banned from 1 January 2000 under the Socrates program set up by Decision No 819/95/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 14 March 1995, as amended by Decision No 576/98/EC the European Parliament and the Council, and additional amounts paid by the University, provided that if the total is not than € 7,746.85;
• scholarships awarded pursuant to Legislative Decree no. August 8, 1991, No 257 to attend the universities of specialization of the faculty of medicine and surgery;
• scholarships for victims of terrorism and organized crime as well as orphans and children of the latter (Act No 407 of 23 November 1998). Annuities Inail, except the daily allowance for total temporary disability, not income and therefore are not relevant for tax purposes. Similarly, the revenues are not earned with a similar kind by non-residents.
In cases in which taxpayers receive a pension Ente foreign social security by way of compensation for damage suffered as a result of an accident at work or occupational disease contracted during the working life must produce to the Revenue - Head Office investigation - which is a self-declared that amount in damages. This form must be submitted only once, and then when presented for previous years must not be reproduced.
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SPECIAL 730/2004
What are the benefits of the presentation of the model 730? The advantage
certainly found that derives from the presentation of the model 730 is the possibility for the taxpayer which has been considered or made payments of taxes to balance higher than those shown by the statement, to obtain repayment of its loans directly from the withholding agent (eg, employer, agency, institution, etc..)
• in the making of deductions from wages, pensions, compensation or other emoluments;
• within a few months after the submission of Form 730.
The taxpayer, therefore, can "repossess" very quickly taxes withheld or paid more, not having the following: •
carry forward tax credits, to compensate them with the sums due under the subsequent tax returns;
• request a refund directly to the financial credit.
If, however, the 730 has drawn balances of the taxpayer's tax debt, including the payment of amounts due is made by the withholding agent, who shall withhold amounts from salaries, pensions or compensation paid . The withholding tax also will also withhold and pay any amounts owed by the taxpayer in advance.
The taxpayer is also freed also from possible sanctions in case of failure, insufficient or delayed payment of taxes due, as the party responsible to carry out these tasks and the withholding, which shall be punishable by sanctions for infringements.
Monday, May 3, 2004
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SPECIAL 730/2004
After the usual deadlines for submission of the One as you can 'adjust the mod. 730?
If the integration of Mod 730/2004 is completed after the usual deadlines for submission of Unico 2004 Natural, the taxpayer may amend or supplement the statement submitted in electronically (either directly or through an intermediary) or a post office, a new mod statement. SINGLE complete with all its parts, modeled on those adopted for the tax period covered by the declaration, checking the "supplementary statement".
In particular, the taxpayer may supplement the statement: •
by the deadline for the submission of the declaration for the year following that in which it was submitted to correct errors or omissions arising more or less credit debt (Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 472 of 1997). In this case, the taxpayer must make the simultaneous payment of the penalty to a lesser extent, the tax due plus interest at the statutory rate with aging daily, provided the violation has not already been found and still has not begun access, inspection, audit or other assessment activities;
• by 31 December of the fourth year following the year in which the declaration was made to correct errors or omissions giving rise to an increased tax liability or less credit to the application of sanctions by the tax authorities (article 2, section 8 of
DPR 322 of 1998);
• Within the deadline for the submission of the statement of the period ' after tax, to correct errors or omissions that have led to the indication of a higher income than they actually achieved, or a higher tax liability, or a lower credit (art. 2, paragraph 8 bis of Presidential Decree 322 of 1998). In this case, the claim arising from such adjustment can be used to offset under the Legislative Legislative Decree 241 of 1997.
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SPECIAL 730/2004
Who may use the eight thousand?
Based on the choices made by taxpayers in the tax return, a share of personal income tax revenue through eight per thousand is for: •
purposes of social or humanitarian interest in direct State management;
• purposes religious or charitable in the direct management of the Catholic Church;
interventions social, charitable, humanitarian and cultural in Italy and abroad, either directly or through an entity established for that purpose by the Italian Union of Christian Churches Adventist Day 7;
• interventions and social even humanitarian aid for the countries of the third world by the Assemblies of God in Italy;
• purposes of social, charitable, humanitarian or cultural direct management of the Waldensian Church, the Union of Waldensian and Methodist Churches;
• social assistance, welfare, humanitarian and cultural in Italy and abroad, directly from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy and across communities associated therewith;
• the protection of religious interests of Jews in Italy, to promote the preservation of Jewish traditions and heritage, with particular regard to cultural activities, preservation of historical, artistic and cultural, as well as social and humanitarian interventions aimed in particular the protection of minorities against racism and antisemitism in the direct management of the Union of Jewish Communities.
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SPECIAL 730/2004
How can you change the declaration?
If the taxpayer becomes aware of not providing all the elements to be in the declaration, at its option may: •
submit by October 31 an additional 730 Mod only when the integration involves a greater or lesser debt repayment (for example, charges not mentioned above). The Model 730 is complementary to a Caf otherwise represented in the case of assistance previously provided by
substitute. The taxpayer has the additional 730 Mod must tick the box "730 additional" and produce the necessary documentation to the CAF for the monitoring of compliance integration done, if assistance was provided by the substitute must present all documentation ;
• Submit a Mod SOLE 2004 Individuals, always in the case of less or more credit debt using the difference in credit and request a refund. Where it is determined by additional factors highlighted more debt or less debt, the taxpayer must be required to present the 2004 Unico Individuals paying the sums due, (including the difference of the amount of the credit arising from the Mod 730, which will still be reimbursed by withholding).
Thursday, April 29, 2004
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SPECIAL 730/2004
How does the choice target of 8 per thousand people is not bound to the presentation of the 730?
Taxpayers exempt from the presentation declaration, can make the choice for the destination of eight per thousand IRPEF, using the appropriate form (Form 730-1) made available in conjunction with the Model 730/2004. The card can be presented within the same deadline for submission of tax return Unico 2004 Individuals, post offices and banks contracted using a standard mail envelope enclosed marked "Choice for the destination IRPEF eight per thousand ", the full name, social security number and year of submission of the declarant's statement. The service received the envelope containing the card banks and post offices is free.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
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SPECIAL 730/2004
What documentation must be presented to the AFC? To allow the Caf
control as indicated in the model should produce the following documents: •
the CUD CUD 2004 or 2003 showing withholding;
• receipts, receipts, invoices and receipts proving the charges. •
for expenses incurred for the recovery of the housing stock of the bank transfer receipts, the receipts for payment of infrastructure costs, certificates of deposit withheld by the housing on the compensation of professionals, and by receipt issued by the condominium stating the payment of expenses charged to individual blocks, and also the postal receipt of the letter with which it was transmitted to the Service Center of the direct and indirect taxation authority or the Operations Centre in Pescara give their date of construction start. For operations on the common parts of the above documents can also be replaced by a condominium certification
administrator. •
by certificates of tax payment made directly by the taxpayer;
• Unico from statements in the event of a surplus of tax for which reporting is required in the next tax return. For
As regards the cost, must be shown the appropriate documentation to permit verification of the right to recognition of the same within the limits and conditions provided by law.
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SPECIAL 730/2004
who is not obliged to submit the Form 730 PF or the One?
not be obliged to submit a tax return who has owned: •
only income from employment or pension paid by a withholding agent only obliged to make any withholding taxes;
• only the income of employees paid multi-stakeholder asked if the last employer to take account of income paid during the previous reports and consequently he has made the adjustment operations;
• Only income from continuous and coordinated collaboration maintained with one or withholding, whether the whole compensation;
• only income of employees and those similar to those paid by most employers for a total amount not exceeding € 6197.48 if the deductions for employees are entitled to compete the entire year;
• Only income from employment (even if paid by different parties but from the last certified tax withholding who made the adjustment) and income of the buildings, arising solely from the possession of the main building and its possible relevance (garage, cellar, etc.).
• Only income derived exclusively from the possession of the buildings housing the main and its possible relevance (garage, cellar, etc.).
• Only income from land and buildings not exceeding a total of € 185.92. If it is between the buildings including the primary residence for the purpose of verification of the limit of € 185.92, the total amount of income from land and buildings shall be calculated without the application of the deduction due for the home Main
• only exempt income (eg. Inail only rents paid for permanent disability or death, certain grants, war pensions, pensions paid to preferred ordinary conscripts, pensions, allowances, including allowances assistance and grants provided by the Ministry of the Interior for the civilian blind, deaf and dumb and for disabled civilians, subsidies to the hanseniani, social pensions, compensation from amateur sports for a total mind-not exceeding € 5164.57); •
only income subject to withholding tax as tax (eg. Income from activities amateur sports for an amount up to € 25,822.84, interest on bank accounts or post office);
• only income subject to substitute tax (eg. BOT or the remaining interest on public debt).
Monday, April 26, 2004
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The New Model 730/2004 730/2004
The main changes in the tax return 730/2004 Mod are:
- the change in tax rates and income brackets;
- l 'Introduction of a deduction from the income determined by the same amount and type of income;
- modification, in the amounts and mode of the determination of deductions for employees and board;
- the provision of a new burden for deductible donations in support of scientific research on neoplastic diseases;
- raising the maximum limit allowed to deduct 19% of cash donations in support of amateur sports clubs and associations to extend the benefit to amateur sports;
- possibility for persons aged 75 and 80 years to spread the deduction of 36% on costs for recovery interventions the building stock, respectively, in five three yearly installments
- extension of the deduction of 36% for the concerning the remediation of asbestos.
Saturday, April 24, 2004
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SPECIAL 730/2004
What are the deadlines for submission of the Form 730?
The deadlines for submission are: •
by April 30 if the model is presented to the withholding agent;
• by June 15 if the model is presented to the Caf.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
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SPECIAL 730/2004
How to model?
The model shows: •
your employer duly completed together with the sealed envelope containing the choice of 8 per thousand IRPEF. It should not be presented to the documentation on the tax declaration.
• Or a Caf in two ways:
1) the completed model, in which case no compensation is due or
2) asking for assistance in filling out and in this case a fee. The taxpayer must submit to the board for Caf to choose the target of 8 per thousand IRPEF (Form 730-1) and the necessary documentation to allow verification of compliance of the data shown in the statement.
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SPECIAL 730/2004
long as necessary to keep the documentation to allow the Finance Control?
The supporting documentation as indicated 730/2004 in the model for income in 2003 must be kept by the taxpayer
until 31 December 2008.
Monday, April 19, 2004
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SPECIAL 730/2004
The 730 can 'be presented jointly by the spouses?
The 730 can be presented as a joint when the spouses have only the following incomes:
• income from employment;
• income similar to those of employees;
• income from land and buildings;
• capital gains ;
• self-employment income for which no VAT is required;
• some of the other income;
• some income subject to separate taxation.
and at least one of them is in a position to use the Model 730.
The joint statement can not be made in the case of a declaration made on behalf of incompetent persons, including children, and in the case of the death of a spouse occurred prior to the submission of tax returns.
When either spouse may rely on individual tax assistance, the Model 730 can be presented jointly to the withholding of one spouse or to a Caf.
In their joint statement to be listed as the registrant's spouse whose
withholding the subject to which the declaration is lodged or the one chosen to carry out adjustments of tax, if the declaration is submitted to a Caf.
Thursday, April 15, 2004
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SPECIAL 730/2004
What is the income that can be declared in the mod. 730?
may be regarded as the Form 730 the following types of income:
• income from employment;
• income similar to those of employees;
• income from land and buildings;
• capital gains, income
• self-employment for which the VAT is not required;
• some of the other income;
• some income subject to separate taxation.
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SPECIAL 730/2004
Other cases that prevent the display of the 730
can not use the Model 730 taxpayers who: •
must also submit one of the following statements: VAT, IRAP, withholding models 770 ordinary and simplified (eg., farmers not exempt from the declaration of VAT, sales door to door ");
• are not resident in Italy in 2003 and / or 2004, must submit
• declaration on behalf of deceased taxpayers, in 2004 receiving
• income employees paid exclusively by employers are not obliged to withholding taxes (eg. domestic employees and other employees of the house).
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