Monday, May 3, 2004

Male Arousal 55 No Erection

SPECIAL 730/2004
How can you change the declaration?

If the taxpayer becomes aware of not providing all the elements to be in the declaration, at its option may: •
submit by October 31 an additional 730 Mod only when the integration involves a greater or lesser debt repayment (for example, charges not mentioned above). The Model 730 is complementary to a Caf otherwise represented in the case of assistance previously provided by
substitute. The taxpayer has the additional 730 Mod must tick the box "730 additional" and produce the necessary documentation to the CAF for the monitoring of compliance integration done, if assistance was provided by the substitute must present all documentation ;
• Submit a Mod SOLE 2004 Individuals, always in the case of less or more credit debt using the difference in credit and request a refund. Where it is determined by additional factors highlighted more debt or less debt, the taxpayer must be required to present the 2004 Unico Individuals paying the sums due, (including the difference of the amount of the credit arising from the Mod 730, which will still be reimbursed by withholding).


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