Monday, April 26, 2004

Friends Card Invitation Wordings

The New Model 730/2004 730/2004

The main changes in the tax return 730/2004 Mod are:
- the change in tax rates and income brackets;
- l 'Introduction of a deduction from the income determined by the same amount and type of income;
- modification, in the amounts and mode of the determination of deductions for employees and board;
- the provision of a new burden for deductible donations in support of scientific research on neoplastic diseases;
- raising the maximum limit allowed to deduct 19% of cash donations in support of amateur sports clubs and associations to extend the benefit to amateur sports;
- possibility for persons aged 75 and 80 years to spread the deduction of 36% on costs for recovery interventions the building stock, respectively, in five three yearly installments
- extension of the deduction of 36% for the concerning the remediation of asbestos.


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