Thursday, March 17, 2011
Is Spots On Testicals Normal
The Versatile Blogger Award & 7 Random Things About Me
The title chosen for this post is very 'mmericano and has every reason to be.
few days ago, I was so happy to receive the Versatile Blogger Award from my followers from overseas: Wilbur Mari Sterling Photography.
really do not know what it was, so I documented and I discovered that this award rotates between the Anglophone and blog is basically a way for the recipient to share 7 random facts about himself.
Now My happiness was a bit blurred: horrified the thought of having to talk to me.
But then I thought of the words written on my blog from this beautiful woman from Seattle:
Her pasties and cakes are truly works of art. Saru includes recipes and photos to help you along. Yum, yummy, yummiest!
In a gesture apparently trivial, has made me proud of myself and gave me a reason to continue to take care of my blog.
already followed her for her ability to take great photos but also because it has often questionable appreciated my photographic skills and my cakes. And now that gives me this award from an international flavor, I have the opportunity to make it known to you!
rules to follow after you accept the Versatile Blogger Award:
- Thank you and link back to the person who won the prize (fatto!)
- Share 7 things at random on you.
- Skip the premium to 15 blogger that have recently discovered that and think are fantastic for any reason !
- Contact the bloggers you mentioned to let them know about the award.
7 things at random about me: I am
- good listener and process of thought (most, obscene) ^. ^
- Without the Internet I am a woman lost. I could kill someone if I do not have the opportunity to connect.
- am a perfectionist and an unfortunate consequence of chronic infection.
- are naive and fundamentally good. Too bad, they go up willingly to the ultimate evil!
- The smell of chlorine is the essence of my favorite.
- I love black and fuchsia.
- I have the fear of chickens seems to me that they are always dreaming up ways to conquer the world.
below will list the blogs that I consider worthy of Versatile Blogger Award.
Absolutely not in order of importance but in alphabetical order.
Disclosure: I do not want anyone to feel compelled to dedicate this award to a post in your blog. Reluctantly follow the last rule, notified by mail of the honorable mention, not because of any obligation and you weigh because I do not want to disturb no.
Feel free!
Red Carpet, drum roll, shiny clothes and some drag-queen here and there:
The 15 blogs to pass on the prize, are:
love this blog blinding light of food-ography and related recipes.
RoseMary I could not forget you! My first (happy) to meet bloggers in the world!
bloggara perfect couple: She cooks, he photographed both divinely ..!
Or Cranberry.
Or this photo of cranberries that I see everywhere I turn Web!
A good blogger. The network would be empty without her. ^. ^
Sgt Pepper is the 'engineering' of royal icing. It seems that she has no secrets!
A man who cooks is always reward!! ^. ^
photos and great recipes. Deserves this award because I drooled in the blog and I have to forgive me!
caciaroni A group of whom I'd like to go to dinner (prepared by them, of course)
beautiful photos and gorgeous recipes for this blogger who also creates jewelry!
cake decorated with four hands .. and that maaaaani! Bravissimo!
A paradise for the eyes and ears. Too bad they can not smell and taste its wonders! -_-
His blog has only one month, but promises really good! Recipe a go-go!
A sweet girl who always had the ball in the kitchen.
He married in the title of his blog, my ideal meal: pasta and then go straight to the sweet ..! ^. ^
Consulting IT, whenever I feel like salty.
His decorations on the nails are spectacular. But even more so herself.
Maybe I should give her even the Versatile Woman Award. ; -*
Monday, March 14, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Pokemon Diamond Wfc Settings Mac Address
apple pie and cherry cheesecake
Participation in the contest "Black Cherry, my love" Sisters in the Pot was uncertain until My mother did not read the prizes. The 'cherry Locksmiths in belief is, for her, the only reason to get in and out, smiling, that it considers most inhospitable environment of the house: that is the kitchen.
Her eyes are now cherry-shaped flashing while in the supermarket I bought the mighty blue and white jars and I talked about the recipe I had in mind to do: a cake-cheesecake with a heart of lemon and sour apple on whole a base of dark chocolate pastry.
Council saves time you can use ready-made pastry.
The preparation time will be around for ten minutes or so.
Now for the complete recipe:
Needed: Cake
opening of 26 cm
Ingredients for the pastry to chocolate
- 250 gr. 00
- flour 200 gr. of softened butter into small pieces
- 120 gr. icing sugar
- 50 gr. unsweetened cocoa powder 1 egg yolk
- 1 tablespoon cold water (fondamentale!)
- Pour the flour into a large bowl, mix all ingredients, stirring with a fork. Only at the end, work the dough with your hands until it is homogeneous.
- Form a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for 2 hours.
- Roll out the dough and covered the bottom and the edge of a buttered.
- Preheat oven (electric) to 175 °.
Ingredients for filling: 750 gr
- . of cream cheese, philadelphia type
- 100 gr. caramel ready
- 5 eggs 75 gr. melted butter 1 apple
- juice and zest of 1 lemon
- 1 tablespoon flour
- 150 gr. black cherry Locksmiths
- Grater roughly the apple and pour over the lemon juice. Amalgam
- the cheese with the caramel, lemon zest, eggs, flour and butter.
- Add applesauce and sour Fabbri.
- Pour the mixture over the pastry spread into the pan.
- Put in oven and cook for about 60-75 minutes until the surface will be golden.
- oven and let cool completely without removing the cake from the pan.
Ingredients for the topping:
- 2 bags of tortagel
- 250 ml of water
- 250 ml cherry juice Locksmiths
- Pour into a saucepan tortagel the powder with water and the juice of cherries.
- Bring to a boil and let simmer over low heat for one minute. Then turn off.
- Let cool for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Pour the gelatin on top and let it cool in the refrigerator or other cool place.
- 200 ml of whipped cream
- Fabbri Cherries whole
- Whip the cream. Decorate the surface
- with tufts of whipped cream.
- From the final touch of cherries Fabbri, to taste.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Free Open Basketball Gym In Nyc
Translations in all languages \u200b\u200bto Twitter
For those who love Twitter and knows the language, the news is of great interest: the well-known micro-blogging platform, in fact, is looking for collaborators that can offer translation services to different languages, from French to German to English, but not only for the new Twitter Translation Center that will allow users to understand tweets from around the world, are required Users also can translate from Indonesia, from turkish, and there is the Italian .
The services will be offered for free, so aspiring translators not earn anything from their work, if not the satisfaction of contributing to a major international project and improve the community (also acting to improve the translations of others in the case of imperfections ).
The major contributors, however, may find himself on the homepage of the Translation Center, which be linked, and see their translations insert all versions of Twitter from the desktop to the one for Android or iPad.
The transposition of the tweet in other languages \u200b\u200bwill begin with the most common idioms, to gradually extend to the less spoken, and probably less understood by those who should be reading them.
for candidates and offer your services as a translator, just go to Twitter Translation Center.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Kate's Playground Set 2009
Locksmiths Baileys cake, orange cream and candied orange roses
Orange, after the pink and black is my favorite color.
immediately makes me think summer. Yet it is the color of orange fruit (ne) par excellence: the orange. But mature in winter and the summer has nothing to do with anything. @ _ @
immediately makes me think summer. Yet it is the color of orange fruit (ne) par excellence: the orange. But mature in winter and the summer has nothing to do with anything. @ _ @
The cake I am presenting is a mix between a recipe on an old newspaper, resulting in the time of preparation and especially the need to cover an area less than perfect without resorting to the usual whipped cream.
- loose base cake tin 26 cm
Ingredients for sponge cake: 6 eggs
- 300 gr. sugar
- a vial of orange flavor (or grated organic orange peel)
- 100 gr. 00
- flour 150 gr. cornstarch (cornflour)
- 1 tablespoon baking powder 2 tablespoons almonds
- peeled and minced
- foam to Beat the eggs with sugar and orange flavor.
- In a separate bowl, mix the flour with the starch and baking powder. Sift all the beaten egg and then built the ground almonds.
- Spread the batter into the cake tin with a hinged board covered with parchment paper and leveled with the back of a spoon.
- Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 35-40 minutes. Check the cooking
- inserting a wooden stick in the sponge. It will be ready if they come out completely dry.
- Remove from the oven and let the base cool.
- level with a knife and then cut the surface base two times horizontally, so as to obtain 3 parts.
- Place a disc of sponge cake on a serving dish and put a ring around the cake (or even the edge of the tin roof, without of course the bottom!)
Ingredients for the cream in the Baileys:
- 200 ml Baileys (or whiskey-based liqueur, cream and coffee made at home)
- 2 sheets of gelatine 200 ml of whipped cream
- Soak in water cold, the gelatin for 10 minutes.
- Whip the cream.
- Heat up slightly Baileys, without letting it thicken.
- Squeeze the gelatin and melt in hot liquid.
- fold in the whipped cream and mix gently.
- Spread the cream on the disk of sponge cake that will be the base of the cake. Levels and cover with the second disc.
Ingredients for the orange cream:
- Juice of 1 orange juice (or 120 ml of orange juice)
- 50 gr.
- sugar 3 sheets gelatin
- 300 gr.
- mascarpone 200 ml of whipped cream
- few tablespoons of orange marmalade to taste with candied peel
- Soak in cold water, the gelatin for 10 minutes.
- Whip the cream.
- Heat the orange juice and sugar.
- Squeeze the gelatin and melt in hot liquid.
- Mix in the mascarpone and then the whipped cream
- Spread the cream on the second disc of sponge cake, level and add a few tablespoons of orange marmalade.
- Cover with the third and final disc of sponge cake.
Garnish: Sugar
- very little water
- thin slices of orange peel chopped
- are obtained from one or two oranges, the thin slices.
- In a skillet, melt the sugar with a few drops of water and let it go on low heat.
- When sugar has dissolved, making a clear liquid, plunge the orange slices and cook until they caramelize slightly.
- Decorate your cake.
I exaggerated, affecting more oranges than I needed to coat the surface of my pie.
After holding the edge of cream and placed the orange slices, side by side, I remembered a tutorial on how to bresaola do roses, sent by e-mail from Rosemary's blog "A Mouse on the Table". The concept was to illustratomi expert visual food I would say that while the process is much simpler, as the oranges and cook with sugar, they become quite sticky and is easy to then take the form without too much trouble!
Proceed by cutting the candied orange slices in half.
rolled up separately on their own and then shove one inside the other to "thicken" the flower.
Unfortunately I have not been able to make photos of the procedure because I was alone at times risked to decorate the cake with caramelized my fingers! :) If you need some other explanation, just ask by leaving a comment on this post. But I assure you that they are simple.
With this cake, I participate in the contest of "The Gang of Broccoli" and as such associations are perhaps worse off than me. I'll be conservative, but I only see well with broccoli us the lemon ... :))) Hihihihihi
Waiting to post another photo-recipe with lemon undisputed protagonist, much more traditional than this, just presented, my baileys cake with orange and citrus also participates in the contest organized by "The cookbook Cynthia .
And last but not least, with this cake also participated in the contest of Nicole Dolcetti overseas ! ^. ^
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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