Thursday, September 23, 2010

Logo Interarms Italien

Investments: Italians like to buy in Miami

An article in the Sun 24 hours shows that are well nine thousand Italians who have purchased property in the United States, representing 25% of all foreign trades.

The budget for the sale of homes abroad by Italian citizens will surpass, for the first time, 35 thousand share. The United States is the favorite destination for Italians: real estate investment through the combined strong euro and lower prices of the houses provides an opportunity difficult to repeat.
In the second half of 2010 is expected to recover general quotes: there are opportunities to be seized in all major U.S. cities like Boston, Los Angeles and Miami, which is the most requested and where prices have fallen over the past 12 months by an average of 25%.
The Italians who invest in the U.S. brick entrepreneurs are typically 70% of cases seeking to diversify their portfolios. Some are also attracted by the formula of the condo-hotel through which you can buy individual rooms in a hotel. The price, compared to a standard apartment is more expensive by 25-30% at the same square meter but profitability is significantly and higher than 6% per annum.

Daniela Bonetti / Darryl J. Fox
tel. +1.305.582.1639

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